Saturday, March 15, 2008

Illustration Friday

This illustration is an entry for a competition on the website. Hello to everyone who came here from there. I hope you have a good time poking around. The topic was Heavy.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Moonbugs

I have been working a lot on my new comic strip which is as you can see a science fiction comic strip that isn't afraid of a little bit of politics. See it at

I am particularly proud of the drawing of President Monkeybrain. It is of course intended to be George W Bush and I think it looks like him a little bit.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Robot Bad Guy

This is a sketch for a robot bad guy to be used in my
 Tarazet story,if I ever manage to devote the time to 
it to get it off the ground. In the mean time it is a rich 
source of inspiration for illustrations. 

This robot is influenced by the classic designs in the
UK comic 2000ad including deadlock. I love the 
idea of inanimate machines being able to interact
with spirits and control magic, just like a human
caharacter in a story, and so although Hamerstien
was my favourite character in ABC Warriors,
Deadlock has also
left a lasting impression.


Monday, March 10, 2008

The monster who was scared of the woods

I have to let you have another page from the sketchbook today as I have been working on a new blog called Moonbugs (Hopefully, if the name is available (It was and the link is and I was tied up chilling on Bondi Beach during the hours of daylight and working on the new idea after dusk. The page from the sketchbook is one that I particularly like however. The monster pictured is imagined as afraid of the dark and I think this fear, which we all know, comes across on the misshapen creatures face. I quite like him and I am sure that I will be working him up into a cute coloured finished version, pretty soon.


Sunday, March 9, 2008

A sketch of a futuristic vehicle

Ever since Star Wars I have been interested in floating futuristic vehicles. This is one I recently doodled in my sketchbook. I have decided that it's probably unrealistic to aim for uploading a new finished colour image every day but that doesn't mean you should go without the chance to see my art. So on the days that I don't have a shiny finished colour original to post. I'll at least post something interesting from my sketchbook instead.


Friday, March 7, 2008

Giant Space Crocodile

Space Crocodino is enormous, stupendously huge, so impossibly big that it is hard to imagine, take the biggest thing you can think of....etc. Of course I'm paraphrasing Douglas Adams here but Space Crocodino really is big. It is thought that he was a lap dog to some impossibly gigantic and powerful forgotten elder race of monsters. He, or she, or it (nobody is quite sure) is as enthusiastic and playful as a lapdog, which kind of bears out this theory. Of course enthusiasm and playfulness is not always a good thing if you are so large that an accidental twitch of the tail can level an entire city block.
Despite it's huge size, Space Crocodino does play chess rather well. It is thought that the strange creature did not learn to play in the conventional way, but had the rules of the game imprinted on to it's tiny walnut like brains as an amusement for it's long dead masters. This of course brings up certain paradoxes in relation to the true origins of the game of chess. It might strike some as strange to label such an enormous hideous brute as a cute character, but you have to kind of look beyond the asteroid-scarred, radioactive meters thick armoured hide to the playful puppy soul beneath.
Although, barring unfortunate accidents of the aforementioned city block-levelling kind, Space Crocodino is a good soul and gets on well with almost everyone. It does regularly argue with and get into altercations with Giroid. This is quite unfortunate in itself as Giroid is a giant robot and the little disagreements between the two can result in an entire City being reduced to rubble. As usual you can get the t-shirt by clicking the image below.test


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Vampire Girl

Vampire girl is a natural friend for all the monsters that I will be introducing you to in this blog, Dragonbat, Jello Boy, Super Goth, Space Crocodino, Giroid, Wrinkles, Shroom, Ghost Penguin and of course you already met Space Mummy. Vampire Girl is a very magical young lady, and she can travel to many areas of space and time that would seem very remote to us, especially to play a good chess opponent.
All these strange monstrous figments of my imagination seem to enjoy a game of chess, even though I myself am a little at a loss during a game. I have limited her pallet in this image to just three colours and tried to create her exclusively with vector shapes so I can create a t-shirt with spread shirt that is printed their preferred way, something impossible with a normal jpeg.
Poor Vampire Girl must avoid sunlight, even with shades and her umbrella she just can't abide it. Her name, although it is not common knowledge is Violeta, and her castle exists on a nexus point in space and time.
Vampire Girl is a creation of me and my girlfriend (see our blog ) and she was inspired by a visit to Mirimar castle in Trieste. The real castle has a spooky twilight aura about it and it is overrun with cats. Vampire Girl's castle is also overrun with cats.
I guess Vampire Girl is a little like Emily the Strange but then again wouldn't we all like to be a little like Emily the Strange. Morticia in the Adams family is also an influence, and that shape changing woman from Space 1999, many, many others of course, Sapphire from Sapphire and Steel is another. I think these female characters who act a little differently to the way society expects are some of the most interesting characters.test


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Space Mummy

At last this space mummy is finnished and I think it's good enough to go on display, and of course you can buy the t-shirt from my shop (just click on the t-shirt image)test
I didnt have much time today and the reason was the enormous amount of time I spent finding the hack for collapsible posts, or drop down posts, or truncated posts - whatever you want to call them. I'm talking about posts with a read more button. After lots of bad advice on lots of pages the page that helped mr get there was though not without a little help from other pages, the code never looks quite the way you are told to expect. Any way enjoy the mummy, more cute characters are in the design stage and are to come.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Today I started writing a science fiction story called Tarazet, mostly as an excuse to create sf art. Like the space ship above. Here are the notes I created today. Morvanwin see previous post will probably be the main character.

A traveller reaches for a metal flower. They grow and die all along the route. He is a scientist

The star paths were built by an unknown civilisation. There are many legends.
A star path ranger is with the group she is guiding. The wolves have been angered and are on their trail. She makes a camp

Make sure to stick to the travel portals, and away from the rebalancing portals.

Sebastian is lost in the sluices in an accident. His boat trapped against a massive spar is ripped in two.

Morvanwin is a star path wise woman in the paths of Tarazet, a kind of ranger or guide.

Sebastian's parents hire her to give them the grand tour. She tells them they are very unlikely to see Sebastian again.

Sebastian is taken through space and time arriving in a labyrinth city populated by the ghosts of a previous civilisation of human like shadows, He feels unwell immediately and starts to fade. He takes the fancy of one of the shadows who finds a way to keep him alive in the lab.

Climax in great hall of the lost civilisation.


Monday, March 3, 2008

The Moonbugs comic strip

Another illustration. This one is the comic strip I've been working on, off and on. The Moonbugs The moonbugs now have their own blog at
Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification


Morvanwin a Spacewoman

Another illustration. This is from a story of my own called Tarazet that I'm planning. This illustration is of one of the main characters who is called Morvanwin and is a science fiction shaman, or wise woman. She uses a science fiction version of the Tarot cards which I'm also designing right now. I have some black and white sketches and I'll post then as soon as I've added colour.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Spiralcat

This is one of the illustrations for the spiralcattalks blog and I'm rather proud of it. It even appears on most of the merchandise produced for the blog so far and sold from the blog's sidebar.


This is a science fiction monster

This image was produced very laboriously with photoshop before I worked
out how the pen tool works. I think it has a certain quality that I like with the limited pallet and 
differentiated areas of colour. This post is acting odly so I'm going to stop 