Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I'm animating again, and this time with my own blog new animation blog at and this is the first animation I uploaded..

One thing that I find annoying about blogger is that it converts animated gifs into jpegs and so renders them lifeless, I'
m hosting the animations at metacafe right now as a workaround. They are a profit sharing alternative to youtube and my stuff seems to get more views as well.


Friday, May 2, 2008

Latest work, produced for a client

Some designs for a client to chose from. The best one will be worked up into a logo.

Update: The client chose the version with a robot as the I in the youtube channel name the logo is intended for ( ).
I think it's a great idea and I hope they like the finished image. I'll update this post one way or the other. The image here has the dragon bat studios watermark which will of course not be a part of the final logo.